Our Projects

A nation ready for the light of God.

We’re working with passionate, dedicated pastors, leaders and disciples across Cambodia to see churches planted and the nation blessed.

Kick-start something exciting amongst the people of God in Cambodia

Boot camps are where we bring together Cambodia’s church leaders and invite them to go deeper, reach higher, and be inspired by God with big dreams for their communities and their nation.

Come together to learn, grow, inspire one another, and seek God’s heart for Cambodia

Annual regional conferences fan the flames of church planting in existing and new movements, as pastors and church planting leaders from various movements gather to share ideas, best practices, struggles and victories.

Practical support to enable church growth and deepening of discipleship across Cambodia

Through mentoring, physical resources, small group meetings and more, we bring pastors together with a team of consultants and trainers to resource church planting movements and churches across Cambodia.